Archive for the Opinion Category

The Socialist States of America

Posted in Opinion, Politics, Second American Revolution with tags , , , on November 15, 2014 by

Federal and municipal governments now own just about everything of value in America, such as roads, land, buildings and labor. Anything that is taxed (including fees) is owned by the government.

Take for example, your home.
You paid either the builder or the previous owner a sum equal to the fair market value of that home. If you did not also pay fees and taxes on that sale, the use of that property would not have been transferred to you, thanks to the government. During the lifetime of your exclusive use of that property, annual taxes are imposed on you by the government for your continued use of that property. If you should fail to pay those taxes to the government, the government is free to take back exclusive use of that property and resell that use to another person. You have no recourse.

Take for example, your labor.
The government owns your labor to the extent that if you fail to pay the government a portion of your wages, the government not only can force your employer to pay them directly, but can seize whatever assets you control to make up the difference. If you continue to not pay the government for the privilege of working, you will lose not only your wages, but your liberty as they will certainly incarcerate you as punishment.

Take for example, the roads.
The government takes part of your purchase price of gasoline in exchange for your ability to use your motor vehicle upon them. If you do not pay the government for the privilege of using the roads, you are reduced to walking. Electric cars, bicycles and public transportation each have their own sets of payment to the government.

Take for example, your business.
The government has devised numerous aspects of your business, the use of which require you to pay the government in order to continue to operate your business. Failure to pay the government for any of those uses will result in the government taking away your business and even your liberty.

  • So it goes at every turn. The government has hundreds, if not thousands of pay-to-play schemes to take your money, and take your assets and liberty if you choose to not pay. If you owned the assets and labor you think you own, the government couldn’t take them away from you. The government does own them and can take away your use of any of them anytime you stop paying them for the use of them.
  • The government is the ultimate owner of not only all of America’s means of production, but also the labor, land and buildings.
  • “We” are the government and we own you, and everything you use.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man

Posted in Opinion on May 2, 2014 by

The plan will then be:
First, To erect two or more buildings, or take some already erected, capable of containing at least six thousand persons, and to have in each of these places as many kinds of employment as can be contrived, so that every person who shall come may find something which he or she can do.
Secondly, To receive all who shall come, without inquiring who or what they are. The only condition to be, that for so much, or so many hours’ work, each person shall receive so many meals of wholesome food, and a warm lodging, at least as good as a barrack. That a certain portion of what each person’s work shall be worth shall be reserved, and given to him or her, on their going away; and that each person shall stay as long or as short a time, or come as often as he choose, on these conditions.

If each person stayed three months, it would assist by rotation twenty-four thousand persons annually, though the real number, at all times, would be but six thousand. By establishing an asylum of this kind, such persons to whom temporary distresses occur, would have an opportunity to recruit themselves, and be enabled to look out for better employment.

Allowing that their labor paid but one half the expense of supporting them, after reserving a portion of their earnings for themselves, the additional sum would defray all other charges for even a greater number than six thousand.

Stand Up Against Torture

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , on April 17, 2014 by

Stand up against tortureThumbscrews. Skull-Splitters. The Iron Maiden.
How could human beings have fashioned these monstrosities of metal?

Is torture caused by bad people – or bad circumstances?
Why is torture still alive and well today?

What if torture only existed in museums, such as this exhibit at the San Diego Museum of Man in Balboa Park?

See devices, learn the truth and discover how to break the cycle.


Full Circle

Posted in Opinion on August 20, 2013 by

All persons needs to support themselves and their families, which is best done through work.

If work is not possible, charity, with no guilt.

Every great and caring nation needs to solve the problems of putting people to useful, productive, remunerative work and to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.

Otherwise, we may just as well return to the caves and bash our weaker neighbors with rocks.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

2012 in review

Posted in Opinion on December 31, 2012 by

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 4,300 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 7 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Political Intolerance

Posted in Opinion, Politics with tags , , , on September 12, 2012 by

ItMormon was ironic to watch the smirking Mitt Romney criticize as an “apology” the Embassy of the United States in Cairo’s statement:

“Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Are we so quick to forget the historic religious intolerance directed at the Mormons which drove them from the American heartland to the wilds of Utah?

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Connect the Planks

Posted in Opinion, Politics with tags , , , , , on August 26, 2012 by

Human life begins at conception.

Taking human life is murder.

Murderers should be put to death.

Therefore: Rape victims taking morning-after pills and those officials participating in prison executions are murderers and should be put to death?

Republican sanctity of life?

Posted in Opinion, Politics on August 26, 2012 by

English: Skull and crossbonesHow does the Republican “party of life”
reconcile on one hand the sanctity of human life and the fundamental individual
right to life which cannot be infringed with supporting courts having the
option to impose the death penalty in capital murder cases?

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen




ShortNotes: Jesus, Rand

Posted in Opinion, Politics, Satire with tags , on August 24, 2012 by

Atlas sculpture, New York City, by sculptor Le...For those of you too caught up in this summer re-election season to do any serious reading, I’ve condensed the sum total works of two great thinkers:

Jesus: “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Ayn Rand: “There is no God; love yourself.”

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Posted in Economic Development, Hillsborough County, FL, Opinion with tags , , , , , on May 9, 2012 by verbumsapienti2

Sometimes money is a powerful incentive.

A running joke from my college days was that you didn’t buy beer, you could only rent it. The same may be true for jobs created through typical state and community incentive plans.

CCS Medical announced they were laying off over 100 Tampa Bay area employees and moving their headquarter operations to Texas.

The reason given in a CCS press release was that “Selecting Texas for our corporate relocation was an easy choice. The state of Texas has a superior business climate and a strong workforce.”

In other words, “The Texas Workforce Commission has committed up to $506,000 in training funding; and the City of Farmers Branch is providing $250 per job created, up to $37,500, in direct incentive funding for the corporate relocation.”

Perhaps the prime goal of the new Hillsborough Economic Prosperity Stakeholder Committee should be to increase area employment in such a way that incentivized job-creators don’t later take the money and run.

Unless the true value of doing business in our Bay Area is more than just the value of bribes, pay-offs and extortion, we are only renting jobs.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen