Archive for Piracy

Famine in Somalia – Starving Pirates?

Posted in Opinion with tags , , on July 21, 2011 by verbumsapienti2
I have taken an image of the MV Faina with the...

Well-fed Somali pirates

Yes, to aid starving Somalis, the United States should borrow another $28 million on top of the $431 million in food aid already sent there.

Perhaps this time however, the United States could in exchange, ask the Somali government to kindly release the hundreds of people and dozens of ships captured by Somali pirates.

Oh, and maybe the Somali government could apologize to the families of the four Americans recently killed by those pirates.

Renouncing piracy instead of sheltering them would also be a nice thing for the Somali government to do, while we feed them.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen