Archive for the Job-creators Category

Adam Smith says:

Posted in Job-creators, Politics, taxes with tags , , on October 30, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”

“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.”

“To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature.”

Read Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments

“In many governments the candidates for the highest stations are above the law; and, if they can attain the object of their ambition, they have no fear of being called to account for the means by which they acquired it. They often endeavor, therefore, not only by fraud and falsehood, the ordinary and vulgar arts of intrigue and cabal; but sometimes by the perpetration of the most enormous crimes…to supplant and destroy those who oppose or stand in the way of their [supposed] greatness.”

Open letter to the Hillsborough Florida Board of County Commissioners

Posted in Economic Development, Hillsborough County, FL, Job-creators, Opinion, taxes with tags , , , on October 15, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

Commissioners –

Call 911If you saw your neighbor hit by a truck, would you just stand around with your hands in your pockets waiting for help to arrive?

The first rule of life saving is to point to some bystander and forcefully say “You. Get help. Call 911.”

Next, stop the victim’s bleeding; treat for shock, and provide appropriate heart/lung resuscitation.

Our nation has been hit by a recession, and we are standing around waiting for the next president to fix it.

We want that president to stop the spending, reduce the deficit, lower taxes, eliminate unnecessary business regulations, and create a business environment conducive to job creation.

In our own neighborhood, the economy of Hillsborough County has been hit by that same recession. The difference is that our local elected officials (you) don’t have to wait for Washington to take local action.

Look at your last few BOCC Agendas. They are filled with sitting around obsessing over speed bumps.

Each of YOU; get help! Call 911.

Do what is in your power now to save the economic life of Hillsborough County.

1. Stop the spending. Put away the County credit card. Stop “bonding” every new spending program that comes along and start spending as-you-go and then only within a balanced budget.

2. Reduce County debt. All y’all have run up the County credit card to nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS. Our children’s children will still be paying this off, long after we are gone. The monthly interest on those billions of dollars alone is likely more than all of your combined yearly salaries for the next ten years. We should be using that money instead to help put people back to work, and back to paying taxes.

3. Lower business taxes. Business property taxes are out of control. Businesses close their doors everyday because they cannot afford steep increases to their property taxes. Sales taxes on businesses are another thing you can tackle. Eliminate sales taxes on business leases, both for rents and equipment. Reduce sales taxes on everything a business buys to operate their business.

4. Eliminate unnecessary business regulations. It likely would take someone a year and $100,000 to open a simple hotdog cart on the sidewalk outside the County Center (if it is possible at all). Eliminate duplicate city/county business taxes. Examine every business tax and determine to reduce or eliminate every one of them, at least for the next 5 years.

5. Create a business-friendly environment. Lowering business taxes and reducing business regulations go only so far. You can do so much more to encourage new business entrepreneurship. Start business incubator/accelerator/co-work space facilities in each County district. Take some of the County’s “emergency” reserve to start a micro-loan program for small and new businesses. The money would be repaid, with interest, which could be loaned again to other entrepreneurs. With business planning oversight by the SBIC and sound credit and collection control by the County, bad debt losses should be no greater than one or two percent. This would be more than offset by interest collected.

Do these things without exploiting people or the environment.

Now what?

Don’t form expensive new task-forces or committees. The ones we’ve had for the past five years have resulted only in increased county unemployment.

Make the only agenda item on your very next BOCC meeting:

“What will we actually start doing tomorrow to help
Hillsborough County residents get back to work?”

 Invite the mayors and city councils of Tampa, Plant City and Temple Terrace to that meeting and don’t go home until at least five things are agreed upon that can be implemented the next business day that helps get your constituent/resident/taxpayer/voters back to work.

 Do these things without exploiting the people or the environment.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

There is no free lunch

Posted in Job-creators, Politics, Second American Revolution with tags , , on October 13, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

Free trade hutFree trade is indeed good for the Job Creators, as it allows them to create more profitable jobs overseas.

Workers in other countries will be better able to buy the diminishing line of products we still produce, because their incomes will have gone up.

The rest of the world once lined up to buy quality made-in-America products, now they make these products for us.

We are hooked on the lower prices of imported food and manufactured goods, causing our own downward spiral of economic prosperity.

There is no way American workers can compete with factories and farms in developing countries, unless we too get used to the idea of living in shanties without electricity or running water.

Better we should get used to the idea of paying a little more for what we buy, so long as it is made by American workers.

We may however already be at the tipping point where we cannot afford to shop anywhere but Waly-Mart with its cheap imported goods, while we go to jobs cleaning out hotel toilets where factory workers from Bangladesh come to vacation.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Occupy Tampa

Posted in Hillsborough County, FL, Job-creators, News, Occupy Tampa, Politics, Second American Revolution with tags , , , on October 12, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

Occupy Tampa

Where are the jobs?

When the power...

Occupy together

In your face


dogged protester

fragmented photographer

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Advice for protesters

Posted in Job-creators, Second American Revolution, taxes, Tea Party with tags , , , on October 10, 2011 by verbumsapienti2
Scene from the Nashville Tea Party, February 2...

Remember - Dissent is patriotic

Of the many letters the Tribune editors receive each day, why did they deem the one from Jeff Hill (Advice for protesters) worthy to be Letter of the Day?

I agree that new wealth is being created by “the rich” but it is consciously being withheld from too many of the rest of us.

The Republican leadership has clearly stated that the Job Creators are “on strike” and are unwilling to invest in new jobs until they get for themselves the “certainty” of lower taxes and fewer environmental regulations.

These Job Creators and their puppet-politicians even go so far as to say it is OK to discriminate against the unemployed; deny health insurance to those with pre-existing illnesses, and to weaken the public education system in favor of private schools.

It is not the wealthy ser se who are the target of these protests; it is those who have gained their wealth by exploiting their employees and the environment, while withholding care to those in need.

The Tea Party movement and the Far Right conservatives claim to be all about supporting a so-called Christian country:

But no honest and serious-minded man of our day can help seeing the incompatibility of true Christianity–the doctrine of meekness, forgiveness of injuries, and love–with government, with its pomp, acts of violence, executions, and wars.” –Tolstoy– (from The Kingdom of God Is Within You)

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

What would John Ruskin Say?

Posted in Job-creators, Second American Revolution on October 8, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

John RuskinJohn Ruskin greatly influenced the social justice thinking of Gandhi, Thoreau and King.

What would Ruskin say about today’s Occupy America movement?

He might say:

Wealth per se is not the issue; it is about how wealth is created and how that wealth is used. A civilized society simply cannot condone exploitation and greed.

He also might say:

It is unpatriotic for the so-called Job Creators to not risk more of their profits to preserve and protect society, while our soldiers, sailors and marines risk their very lives for that same society.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Florida Governor Scott’s 700,000 jobs

Posted in Job-creators with tags , , , on October 8, 2011 by verbumsapienti2
August Jobs Report

Gaining on our losses

Why no one can take credit for job creation: everyone claims credit for job creation.

The president of the United States claims credit for all jobs created in the U.S.

Each Congress person claims credit for all jobs created in their district.

Every governor claims credit for all jobs created in their state, as do county commissioners, mayors, city councils, economic development groups and chambers of commerce for their locale.

Oh, and let’s not forget that business owner who actually hired someone to fill a new job.

Let’s be careful moving forward how we attribute credit for job creation.

A restaurant may have hired another waiter because a new apartment building opened next door, or a foreign auto manufacturer may have opened a new assembly plant near a profitable source of cheap American labor.

So, before we heap job-creation credits upon those who claim them, let’s look a little more deeply into the actual causalities.

Our goal is to learn from what works, and we can’t do that if we just attribute those causes to specious claims.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Tampa Bay Shines?

Posted in Hillsborough County, FL, Job-creators, taxes with tags , , on October 4, 2011 by verbumsapienti2

Rhea Law and the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corp. get how many hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars and she wants us to tell her why “Tampa Bay Shines”?

I want my money back.

But, I will share these “shiners” with her for free:

1. Tampa doesn’t tear down historic buildings like the Woolworth building; we let them fall down naturally, on their own.

2. Tampa collects paper and trash on vacant downtown lots to someday recycle into green energy.

3. Tampa allows weeds to grow up on vacant downtown lots to provide habitat for urban animals, such as rats & palmetto bugs.

4. Tampa provides sheltered doorways in abandoned buildings for the homeless to use to relieve themselves.

5. Tampa provides income to the law-challenged by letting unsuspecting tourists wander the downtown no-man’s-land without police protection.

6. Downtown Tampa has a world-class exhibit of graffiti art.

To the response “Well, all cities have these problems” I say, if Tampa wants to attract business enterprise, be unlike other cities, and clean up these eyesores.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

Job rationing

Posted in Job-creators, Politics, Tea Party on September 27, 2011 by verbumsapienti2
New Orleans, Louisiana, 1943. Line at Rationin...

Job rationing: war on the Middle Class

The voting public has lost focus by being distracted with the far-right’s claims that universal healthcare is the same as rationing healthcare.

We already have rationing.

America’s Middle Class is being squeezed by fewer jobs, lower wages and disappearing benefits.

Middle Class Americans increasingly have to make decisions whether to spend limited funds on healthcare or on housing.

Republican  Speaker of the House John Boehner clarified the situation when he said that “Job Creators are on strike”, meaning that there would be no increase in jobs until corporations were allowed to make more profits through reduced taxes and regulations.

The upshot of this is that Corporate America is rationing this nation’s jobs, putting the pressure on Americans to accept lower wages, fewer hours, no union representation and no health benefits.

Corporate America through the so-called Tea Party has put us all on notice that they will hold off putting Americans back to work until they get everything they want.

This is not class warfare; it is the class reality of the have-more vs. the have-less.

Get used to it. Give up, give in and get back to work.
Just don’t get sick.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen

How do new jobs happen for Tampa?

Posted in Hillsborough County, FL, Job-creators with tags , , , , on September 22, 2011 by
Job creation in Tampa

Who "created" those jobs?

Twin tidings of good jobs is the subject of a Tribune opinion today.

I know they don’t want to hear it, but The Tribune would be doing an important service to taxpayers if they would carefully document and report how these new local jobs actually came about.

Credit for the 500 jobs with Time Warner and the 400 jobs with Adventist Health System will all be claimed by the president of the United States; the governor of Florida; the chair of the Hillsborough County BOCC; the mayor of Tampa, as well as the Tampa-Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation and the various chambers of commerce.

If everyone does not clearly understand the actual process of how new jobs were successfully created in the area, we will have little hope that that process can or will be replicated.

For the vast majority of Tampa Tribune readers, job creation isn’t about getting reelected, it is about getting reemployed.

<IMHO> Fred Jacobsen